Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So I’m reading They poured Fire on Us From the Sky and so far it’s a good book the chacters so far been threw a lot from being separated not knowing where each other is at. Benson, Alephonsion, and Benjamin are from Africa and it’s this big Sudan civil war going on and they was telling stories on how they left their home at early ages. My first impression on them I thought that they wouldn’t know any English and they would be mean but when they came they was friendly. I don’t know how they made it through all the stuff they went through and it was amazing how Benson and Alphonsion was separated and then reunited. I am glad that I chose this book at first I was just picking something so I can read and get it over with but when I stated reading it I couldn’t stop I was about to read past where they told us to stop at. This book is very different from the book I read the book I read is just about teen girls and what they go through with boys and how they are heartbroken but this book its talk about the struggle they had to go through and what they had to do to survive. One thing in the book that caught my attention that they was coming to America while 9/11 was going on and I was saying to myself why would they want to come here to America while people was attacking or country and they just left their country to get away from all that. Like I said this book is good so far and I’m ready to read some more.

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