Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nicole Day 11 responce

I have always had some kind of idea about the Genocide, but after reading what I just read impacted me tremendously. I mostly read up on the survivor stories. This section caught my attention because I wanted to hear their stories so I can really try to get a feel of the pain that they are going through. It is too hard to imagine what it must feel like to watch your child be sick and eventually die from it. It must be hard being a father who has to risk his life just to feed his family. It must be hard to be a helpless mother who has to make sure all of her children are healthy. It must be hard to be a child who thinks making shelter out of mud is normal. All I can think is “it must be hard” but I can never completely grasp what pain they are feeling.
I am so excited to contribute to the OMB project because I feel that any little thing I can do can make a difference. After reading their stories made me come to a weird connection. I was thinking that people who live normal lives in the US desire to be someone famous or live a rich life because it is a life changing experience. People who are going through Genocide desire to come to the US and just be healthy because it would be a whole different lifestyle. This connection made me realize that once you are living a good life, it is easy to take things for granted and not be thankful. I am aware of what is going on and I thank God that I live the life that I live today but I will never be one of those people who ignore the tragedies that are in this world. I will do whatever I can to help- even if it’s just by making a bone to contribute to the OMB project.
Being able to participate in this project will give me the artistic opportunity to express how I really feel about the situation. I have some ideas going through my head about exactly how I’m going to make the bone. Even though my bone may not be seen because it will be hidden by 999,999 other bones, that doesn’t mean I won’t put everything I can into this bone to make it something special. This bone will be filled with my thoughts and emotions towards Genocide. Thank you for introducing me to this!

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