Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day #8 response-Nikkea

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In Take the Cannoli, Sarah really doesnt have any friends nor does she try her hardest to impress to make any. When discovers her heritage, she realizes she knew nothing except the things she was show in the play The Trails of  Tears. On her journey to the Georgia, the homeland of the Cherokee she finds her conflicting with both sides of her heritage. The Cherokee were forced off of their land by Americans. The Cherokee were rounded up and moved to eastern Tennessee and northeastern Alabama. 
During this Trip Sarah and her sister Amy, wonder if they should feel embarrased by certain discrepencies between the Cherokee and them. Which means their weak, decadent, their Americans. Though Sarah doesnt physically lose anyone she has an attachment to the Cherokee. She learns of the encounters the Cherokees' faced. They were forced onto boats and face heat exhaustion, and later a drought that stranded them without water. They headed by foot sometimes barefoot in during blizzards, either way they parished of starvation, dysentery, diarrhea, and fatigue.
During her trip Sarah battles herself, siding with the Cherokee, but how could she when was American. And her roots played history on both ends. She wouldnt be alive if it wasnt for her Cherokee heritage, but how could Americans treats other that way especially since the Cherokees' helped out the American man.

Unfortunately I can say I've lost someone that was dear and very special to me, my Grandmother. Even though I was a teenager when she passed I still feel the affects of not having her around, not being able to call her on her birthday which is actually today. But overall I celebrate the times I enjoyed with her and I hold on to them like treasures.

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