Monday, August 22, 2011

Dear Lost Boys

Dear Benson, Alepho, and Benjamin,

I cannot even begin to express how your stories touched me. First let me say thank you for such honesty. I have never read a book full of so much truth. Normally I read love stories that everyone wishes to happen to them. My favorite aurthor is Nicholas Sparks. Anyways besides the point I always seemed to be touched by the stories that showed how much a person cared for each other. Surprisingly I felt like reading your story was just like reading a love story. All three of you had so much heart in what you were saying that I felt the love. Not only that but it seemed like you really loved one another. At all times you thought of those that you cared about the most and how you wanted to get back to them.

"Since I'd left home, my life hadn't been safe; I'd always thought I was going to die. At last in Kakuma I believed I would survive." For some reason that line from your story touched me the most. I felt your fear and your hope. Benjamin for as young as you were when you went through all this I felt your maturity in all this. I saw you fighting for everything you went through. I almost feel like you were the strongest. Now I don't want to get down on you Benson, or even you Alepho I believe all three of you were strong. But Benjamin you were so young and you took such good care of yourself, especially when your leg got infected. And look it healed and why because YOU yourself took care of it and made sure it healed.

I find it interesting that you three were running away from your home but hopeing that one day you'd return back to your home. The ironic part to me is the fact that you ended up to where I lived. The United States! I wonder if you guys ever think about how it would have been if you were able to return home.

I find it saddening that you guys were constantly transported to a new town and it seemed that no one wanted you guys around along with all of your people where they were from. Like the closer you got to safety it seemed like people wanted to help you less and less. You all recieved help, but sometimes you guys wern't treated right. To the point that you wanted to escape from where you guys were taken. "No you're not. We know you guys live in Natinga and you have to go back now." It's like you guys were slaves or rebels instead of boys worth protecting. Everyone was so quick to send you back. Its almost like everyone wanted to send you back where you came from which is confusing to me beacuse you guys were post to end up at a better place.

But then again you guys did end up in a better place. I'm curious how you guys look at life now and what you guys have done with your lives. Like living in the United States is it what you imagined to be? Do you want to go back to your home or are you happy where you guys are at now? I know it probably is still scary cause like we have problems just like you guys did. Of course no one is attacking our home land every second. But we still do get attacked. Like Sept 11. It's sad that you guys had to see that especially when you just came from where the exact same people were attacking. Its like they never give anyone a rest. I wonder if you guys felt like "why do we keep seeing violence?"

I hope that your lives are how you want them to be even though your not back home where you guys wanted to be so long ago. I hope you three were able to make a new home for yourselves that brings you all happiness.

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