Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Betrayal of Mind and Heart

In the book I am reading and currently finished, Lost in Place, Mark Salzman talks about how his closet friend Michael decides he doesn't want to hang out with him anymore because he is a "cradder", a word Michael made up to call someone a quitter. When this happens, Michael just disowns Mark completely, he doesn't talk to him, doesn't look at him, doesn't even acknowledge his existence. However, he did feel a sting of betrayal from this, but the hardest part was later in the book Spoilers, Erich, Marks brother, calls him when he is at Yale and tells him this, "I have bad news. Michael Dempsey died this morning. (pg. 237)" Although they barely ever talked anymore, except when they met one time on accident and got high together, Mark was taken by surprise by this. The loss of Michael triggered a series of events that finally brought Mark into the real world.

As for myself, I have lost friends because they decided they were too good for me, or because something trivial happens. One "Friend" I had would say I was her best friend, and all that bullshit. She would use me because I'm not exactly an idiot and know things, and am willing to help someone out to the fullest extent of my being. Earlier before this, during middle school, she was fine. She was a little depressed girl, but overall she was just genuinely interested in getting to know me and become better friends with me. However, the change into high school changed her. She quickly got popular because everyone wants to be friends with her, or she talks to them and keeps them on a thick leash. After she realized she could manipulate people she tried to use me for her own uses, mostly homework answers. I would give some homework answers, but when I got fed up I gave vague answers and told her to "Look it up", and my personal favorite, "If you don't know how to write a basic essay for English with the basic intro. paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion then you shouldn't be in high school." Long story shortened though, she betrayed my trust and used me for her own personal gain after she changed.

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