Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bianca Armstrong Day8

Julia response
Well I have the same book your reading, and one of the biggest fears that Alpheo has is getting captured or killed by the soldiers. Alpheo and his brothers have been running from the soldiers for months. Going from town to town to country to country. The soldiers are appearing everywhere. And the Russians are bombing certain areas that Alpheo and his brothers are traveling to. There was this one time Alpheo almost got killed. The Russians were bombing in Torit, and they killed a lot of people. Alpheo was running and he saw one of the soldiers coming. So Alpheo played dead. The soldier turned him over to check if he was dead. Alpheo didn’t breath to make it seem like he was. The soldier thought he was dead and went on his way to kill more people.
Well one of my biggest fears are ghost. I’m so afraid of them. There was this one time i felt really funny, there was nobody around and it got really cold around me. I thought I saw something from the corner of my eye. It looked like a man. I ran so fast up those stairs it was probably dust flying behind me lol. Then after a while my grandma finally told me that an old man used to live in her house and he died upstairs. Never again will I stand upstairs by myself.

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