Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 11 - Response to Danielle : Kevin

The genocide has been going on for quite a while and I just thought that it was something recent that only happened within the past years. I was wrong about that and many other things that I thought I knew, like what was going on in the Congo. There have been over 5 million deaths in the Congo just since 1996. This is slowly decreasing because now they only have about 400 deaths per year, which is still bad but it’s a slow progress. I knew that the Forces Democratique de Liberation du Rwanda (FDLR) killed and raped but I didn’t know they were on such a horrible rampage.

I figured out what the logo for OMB actually stood for while reading this. I would have never gotten it without this helpful information. A woman named Marie Shriver wanted to contribute her talents to the OMB Foundation so she took it upon herself to make a logo with 6 grey and white circles symbolizing the 6 zeros in the number 1,000,000. When you look at the logo it looks like it could be a target and that’s exactly what it is. The target is to stop this genocide.

For tomorrow I plan to make 3 specials bones for 3 special survivors of this genocide. While reading I came across Ousman, his home was destroyed in Darfar and has been living in a home/shelter for 5 years now. Then I met Adef, his son died on his wifes back while they were trying to escape the killers but he had to leave his baby son’s dead body beyond to save the rest of his family. Finally I met a sweetheart Leila; she lives in a refugee camp in Eastern Chad and is living off the aid which is now in risk. These few people have inspired me to further my knowledge with the OMB.

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