Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Letters To Nikkea!

Dear Nikkea,
      Four weeks ago you started the brige program with an open mind and excited to learn more. And over these four weeks you've found out and learned new things or things in a better manner. Such as writing a paper. Ive learned to put myself into..not dwell so much on the question of the paper but to get the point across with the acception of the questions being asked. During these weeks you've written more papers ever and honestly you've figured out your mistakes without someone telling you were you went wrong. The best thing is that you tried correctly them. Taking a different approach, pushing the limit, and taking a risk. open-mindedly you've welcomed new ideas and challenged yourself on them. You've stepped out the box and openly accepted learning different tasks.
These four weeks have helped you develop into a better person. A more openly individual to accepting new tasks and challenges. learning from your mistakes and correcting them. Taking constructive criticism in a positive direction.
Within this first year at Columbia, Im open to welcoming more ideas for bettering myself. Step outside of the box more to dig deeper and get a better understanding of certain things. To develop the mantality of success. to strive and look to the overall goal. Becoming more and more driven for success as a individual, student, and citizen.
Im not afraid of challenging myself for Columbia, Im more excited to become involved. And becoming a better person, wiser and in a positive manner. Im excited to study in a career Im interested in.
Overall attednding Columbia I would love to become a more open minded person, more positive aspects, more driven towards my studies. But mostly finding a better way to understand myself along the way of my journey in college and life. Become equiped in the world of life. And the only thing that will prevent me from accomplishing these goals would only be myself. Which Im positive I wont fail!


  1. I really like that you are confident in going into college. I have the same mindset as yours!

  2. Honestly i see that your going to go far with what you want to do . As in being a Music Engineer or something you said LOL. Hope all goes well : ) - Eric

  3. wow! interesting!

    hope to see you around

