Monday, August 15, 2011

Response Day 9

Response to Sam- The past two weeks have been a complete change in pace for me considering how much I have been focusing on school. In high school I never was really prepared and I put everything before school. If I had any problems outside of school I would focus more on that than what was going on in school. Now that I’m finally starting college I realized that I’m on my own now and I don’t have my parents to nag me about homework, so I have to make it my job to make school my number one priority now. I know if I don’t keep with the pace of the bridge program I could get dropped, and that is also helping me to stay focused and succeed. I can almost perfectly relate what is going on my book They Poured Fire. The three lost boys are split up from the majority of their family, and they all finally realize that they don’t have their parents to fend for them and take care of them. They found out that they need to watch out for themselves now and they can’t just wait for their parents to find them and help them. Just like me, I can’t rely on my parents anymore, I have to become my own person now and not rely on the people that have been watching over me for the last 19 years of my life.

Response to Bianca- In my book, They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky, almost anything that could go wrong with these kids life, goes wrong. They get split up from their families, they find out their father died. Everywhere they go they have to constantly worry about something going completely wrong. Some of the lost boys make a long trek all the way to Ethiopia. They spent months trying to get there. They finally get there and not to long after they get there, they are chased out of Ethiopia back into Sudan. Something that went completely wrong back in my hometown of Woodridge, a cop from the town started a fallen cop fund for his friend that died on the job. He collected around 300,000 dollars from the citizens of my town and nearby towns. It seemed like nothing could go wrong with a fundraiser started by a fellow cop but it did. Once the cop collected enough money, he ended up running off with all of it. This cop started a fundraiser for his friend who died, and ended up running off with all of the money. I don’t think that could have gone any worse. People are supposed to trust cops, but when you find out something like that happened, how are you supposed to trust any of them? This probably destroyed a lot of people in the town; I’m pretty sure all of the people who contributed got their money back though which is good.

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