Monday, August 22, 2011

Dear Sarah !

I wanted to tell you that i like your book . It was very informing on how your life was from when you were a child till when you grew up. Honestly this is probally one of the only few books that kept my attention. I like the fact that you were open enough to talk about your life, growing up, your family and you as an Individual. One of my favorite parts was when you actually talked some much about Frank Sintra. You knew everything about him. i Honestly love Chapter "These Little Town Blues" You spoke detail about this man. One of my favoite Qoutes that i love on pg. 71 that you said was " Which is why on sintra fan can decide he's the end of the era and another can argue he's where it begins. And so is my bible, Frank Sintra is not Revelation: He's Genesis where Pop Starts." I can relate to that Line as well as the whole chapter because i myself am obbseed with a celebrity as well and i know everything about him. Its kinda of wired how i fanciate myself with Chris Brown like you do with Frank Sintra. I will Honeslty hold a whole conversation with someone about him. And the fact that you went to his home town to get more study about him, i can see myself going to his hometown to the house he lived in just to be there. Alothough i have to Disagree with you on the fact that you said Frank Sinatra is the first oringnal king of pop , Honestly ill have to give it to Michael Jackson. Its just my opinoin.

I like the fact that you traveld as much as you did. I loved that you came to chicago and talked about the bridges and you knew so much about them Just by reading this book i learned more then i didnt know about my own city. Like on page 96 you said you folllowed tidbits "a couple of french explorers who a plaque on the bridge said there was a Indian Massacrue in front of Bugar King." I never knew that, and im sure alot of other students didnt know that as well, becuase they never taught that in any of my history classes. I aslo love the fact that you used alot of Slang and talk the way us teens talk for intense on page 98 you said " The first person to get cracking" I would have never thought someone of your age group would actually use slang like that, and other was how you said "Low Key". Its just surpirsing to me. But back to the fact how you taught me more then i knew about chicago, On page 99 you said the "Du Sable built a small wood cabin on what is now the site of a thristy five story office tower called Equitable Building. I never heard of the equitable buillding nor knew Du Sable even had a wood cabin. Maybe thats why they have a musem named after him.

Over all i just wanted to say that i appericate the book and i hope you are still writingbooks about your life and your writing about events that recently been happening to you.

Fan, Eric

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