Monday, August 22, 2011

Sam Setzer Letter to Sarah Vowell

Dear Sarah Vowell-

You're book was pretty rad. I think you're a pretty damn funny gal. I really enjoyed sitting down after a long day and reading the essays from your book. I've read many books in my day, and I really enjoyed your stories. Never a dull moment. I'd say that my favorite story was "These Little Brown Blues", in which you travel to Hoboken New Jersey in search for authentic Frank Sinatra memorabilia. You discuss your favorite bands, and I must say, we have a very similar taste in music. Great job! I'm curious, what have you been listening to recently? Do you have any recommendations? Also, have you traveled back to Hoboken at all? I'm curious because I felt that you were ambiguous about the way you felt about it. Did you enjoy your time there, or did it remind you too much of Bozeman Montana? They are both very small towns. Back to the music: You say on page that 72 that you are a fan of Sleater-Kinney. If this is true, have you seen Carrie Brownstein’s show, "Portlandia"? It's pretty funny and I think you'd really dig it.
How's your dad doing with his guns? Has a made any new cannons or weapons? My dad is the same way. I think your dad and my dad should hang out sometime. He goes to Montana to go fishing all the time. I think he loves Montana more than me (kidding). When I was growing up, my dad would always try to take me duck hunting with him. I would usually decline his generous invitation, but I've gone a few times and I must say that while I do not thoroughly enjoy waking up early and sitting in the cold for five hours, it is nice to see your dad in his element like that. It makes me happy to see him happy.

You're pretty rad, Sarah. If you read this and actually enjoy it, give me a shout out on NPR. That'd be pretty cool.


Sam V. Setzer

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