Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sam Setzer Letter to Myself

Dear Sam:

Sup, man...

You certainly have changed over these past four weeks. You've worked hard and haven't been lazy for a change. You spent every day of summer hanging out doing nothing with your friends, literally sitting around 12 hours a day. But these past four weeks have been intense and you've been whipped into shape. So anyway, what do you want your freshman year of college to look like? I bet you have an image of Pabst Blue Ribbon cans and various women lying all around your dorm room, but that's not how it's going to be. You've got to work hard man, no bullshit. Also, you need a job to stay busy when you're not doing your homework. You should also try and play as much music as possible. Start a band or something.
I'm guessing that you're a little worried about being so far from home. Don't be, it's only a 4 hour plane ride away. If anything, be happy that you're far from home. Your parents won't be breathing down your neck! What're your main goals for the year? I think you should shoot for at least a 3.5 GPA; getting good grades will make your parents proud and encourage you to do better. Also, you should try to be one of the most creative filmmakers in your class. Don't make bland, boring shit that the average Joe would want to see. Make cerebral films that make people think, because thinking is good for the mind and the soul. Set a constant sleep schedule. If you don't get your required sleep, all of your goals could fall apart. Lastly, play as much music as possible. Go to open mic nights and put yourself out there. The worst thing that could happen is people won't like your music. Big deal.
If anything can prevent you from succeeding in these next four years here at Columbia, it's too much partying. Remember this word: moderation. It's ok to go have some fun with your friends, but if you think that going out and getting annihilated with your friends every night is a good idea, then you shouldn't even be in college. Take it easy on the partying. Seriously. Don't do it.

With love-

Your Conscience


  1. I'm glad that your gonna start a band! Hope to hear it one day!


  2. I believe you'll get a high GPA. Cause one thing I've noticed about you is that your very smart. The good kind of smart to. The smart that will get you places in life. Good luck!


  3. Your really smart, i know you going to go far and be a out spoken person. Good Luck. -Eric
