Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's over..tomorrow!

I have to say, the final days of my bridge experience is almost over, and really, it's an amazing feeling. The first week I was a little uptight, I didn't know what to make out of this program at all. It's strange though, during the middle of the first week I opened up a little bit and just stuck to what I knew I needed to do. However, the second week was my most stressful week, when I heard it was the elimination week. I was afraid, even though I've never been talked too, always been told I was doing well in my math class, that they would throw me out for whatever reason may be, maybe not paying attention, or just plain old bein' an asshole. Well I guess that was wrong, right? I'd like to think I haven't made acquaintances during these 4 weeks, which is usually what I call people for a little while before I actually get to know them. The 3rd week I came out of my anti-social shell and started to do things with other people, as well as slack off a little bit. I got a tiny bit lazier, but I put myself back on track quickly. Now with my 4th week, everything is coming together now. I realize that the work habit I have forged for myself works, and that I should keep this going and shouldn't back down no matter what happens. I love what this program has done for someone like me, who never saw a real reason to actually care about school work, who now sees that here, it is different and even fun since I can put my own creative twist in it.
Hey next year bridge students, just participate, do your work and actually keep what people say about your papers to heart, don't slack off, and don't be an idiot. Those things will ensure that you pass this program with flying colors.



  1. Glad you found success in the program...Good Luck at Columbia!!!-Nikkea

  2. lol your funny really :)

  3. Congrats man.. Hope to se one of your Books in the Future.. Good Luck -Eric

  4. Good luck on being reborn in flames. I hope it doesn't hurt.

    -Sam Setzer

  5. Let me know whenever you have a cool mystical bboy in your stories so i can be the first one to read it!

    Wish you the best homie!
