Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 10 - Response to Kevin and Vince: Kevin

Response to Kevin:

In Take the Cannoli, Sarah was never really much of an adventure taker and the adventures that she did partake in were very minimal. She was in Driver’s Ed and she thought that she was doing an amazing job and for a while she was actually right. She was driving like she knew what she was doing then she became cautious and started to pay attention to the work that she had to put in with her hands and feet but never really looked at the window for assurance that it was okay to keep going or to even stop. She suddenly looks up as her teacher yelled “Don’t hit the handicap people” and she swerved away from them and end up on the right path but was very nervous after all of that had occurred. She would be fine driving with just the instructor but would feel that she was pressured when her peers drove with her.

Being in Chicago is taking a new adventure every day. I come here from a way smaller city then this and it’s just not fascinating like Chicago is. While being here I have done so much within this little time. I’ve gone to all types of different bars, restaurants and many other places that I don’t think that I would have gone before unless I was in Chicago. All my adventures so far have been with my friends from the Bridge Program. We all just like to chill with one another and have a good time and that’s what we plan to do during the fall at Columbia.

Response to Vince:

Sarah and I are somewhat similar. Sarah goes through all these issues with her family that it seems like every teenager can relate to in our day. She goes through feeling rejected, trying to fit in and etc. We all have gone through something along those lines. Sarah was in band and had an eighth grade recital and during the recital she saw her father Xing off every performance as if he was ready to go. She thought it was rude and that is wasn’t thoughtful. In the long run that wasn’t the case at all. She realized that those X’s her dad was making were just simples of love. It took her to get more mature to figure out the little things like that.

I would say I have matured a little throughout this program. I would make sure that everything is done when it needs to be done and how it’s supposed to be done. The bullshitting days are over for me. During high school, it would be easy because you really never had to come to class besides to take a test or check in with your teacher or if you were seeking some extra help but that never applied to me because I just didn’t care. Coming here made me realize that everything isn’t always going to be as easy as high school and that sometimes I’m going to have to push for what I want and that’s what I’m doing here.

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