Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 8: Response to Julia and Jacob - Kevin

Respond to Julia:

In my book, Take the Cannoli, Sarah fears death, not even her own. She fears death of her favorite person Frank Sinatra. She is in love with everything about him. In the newspaper and on the news channel it went across like the world was ending when the words “Sinatra has a cold!” Sarah began to panic as if it was herself dying. She went into a “sad state of mind” because of her favorite artist was slowing dying for all of media to see. Just a few weeks later he died and it was plastered on every channel on television and on the front page of every page. She got upset with the song that they played at his funeral “My Way.” She felt the song was “the most obvious, unsubtle, disconcertingly dictatorial chestnut in the old man’s vast and dazzling backlog.” She would rather hear some of his greater work like “Come Dance with Me” or “I Get a Kick out of You.” She deals with all this by writing a research paper about him and is was all based on “What Is This Thing Called Love.”

My biggest fear is doubting myself. I feel that you should never doubt yourself because there are already people in the world that doubt you. I deal with it by telling myself encouraging words and just pushing through all of my struggles.

Respond to Jacob:

Sarah loses her all her within herself when she actually finds out who she is. She was always lost on who she was because she didn’t know where she came from. Sarah was Cherokee-Swedish-Scottish-English-French-Seminole. I feel you can’t truly understand yourself until you find out about your background. Sarah did that as she went on an adventure with her sister Amy to find out who they were. I feel they were more focused on their Cherokee side but every bit of information that you know about yourself is good in my eyes. They went deep with finding out about the Trail of Tears and other things that dealt with their culture. They know they will never be a pure blood. “Just as out blood will never be pure, the Trail of Tears will never make sense.” – Pg 158

When I was about 10 I lost my great grandma. She would always give us advice and candy! She was such a loving women, who would give the world so see someone else smile. She always inspired me, she was the first black women ever to graduate from Drake University in Des Moines. She influenced me to do great things in my life so that I can follow in her footsteps. I know I wont be the first black male to graduate from Columbia but I’ll be graduating and I know she would be looking down and smiling at me while I’m walking across that stage!

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