Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 13: Letters to Your Authors

Congrats, folks! If you're reading this, you've made it to the last week of the Bridge program. At this point, we can all clearly see the light at the end of the tunnel; you are only 4 days away from being admitted to Columbia College Chicago! However, let's not use this as a time to ease up on all of the hard work you've been doing. Instead, I'd like for these next 4 days to prove to both Perrin and I exactly why you're still here; show us that we're making the right decision by passing you.

Another reason you should be celebrating is that--maybe for the first time ever (as many of you admitted)--you've finished a full book! For the past 3 weeks, you've been writing daily blog posts about your reading. Today, I want you to write your final blog post about the book. Here's what I'd like for you each to do:

1. Write a 350 word (yes--350 word) letter to the author(s) of your book ("Dear Sarah"). Remember: you are all reading works of non-fiction. So, that means these are true stories written by REAL people. In your letter, you should do several things: talk about what the book meant to YOU (was it the first book you read? the first book you liked?), talk specifically about your favorite parts of the book and your favorite quotes/passages (think of things you'll keep with you long after you've finished reading), and bring up any questions you have about the book (questions about either the story or the lives of the authors). We are looking for these letters to be deeply thoughtful, personal and smart.

2. Include a photo in your post.

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