Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 9 - Response to Sam and Bianca : Kevin

Response to Sam:

In Take the Cannoli, Sarah is just finding herself. She never really knew who she was so throughout the book she is exploring things about herself that she wouldn’t have ever imagined. She finds out about her culture and where she comes from. Like Sarah I am also finding myself. I’ve experienced things that I wouldn’t have ever done if was still in Des Moines. I guess you can say I have somewhat “came out.” That was a personal choice that I made because of how comfortable I felt in the environment. Sarah also feels comfortable that’s why she begins to tell friends and family that she is an atheist.

While being in Bridge I feel that my studying habits have changed for the better. I will actually study, that’s the big difference and finding out that it’s not that bad makes it a lot easier. I would never try and that would just make me want to give up and quit. There’s not really a character in my book that I can compare to besides the mother. It never says that the mom needed to study it just says that the more you try the more you get. She tried to have a relationship with her daughter and that’s exactly what she got.

Response to Bianca:

In my story there aren’t really any tragedies; some people die here and there but nothing too serious. If anything when Sarah began to drive it was a tragedy. She thought she knew what she was doing but she was definitely wrong. She began to drive and everything was going according to plans, her instructor even gave her a compliment by saying “I’m so impressed Sarah, you’re doing so well.” And that’s when things got back and she almost ran over a couple of handicapped people! She never had a problem with driving she would just freak herself out and look at her hands instead of the road just like when she was learning to play the piano. She would look at her hands and the sheet music all at once which would make it very difficult.

Something that went wrong in my area is that it has become a slum over the past year. It seems like they move all the criminals’, druggies and people on section 8 to my neighborhood. This makes where I live not appealing or known as a “hood” because of the type of things that go on. It’s not as bad as the big cities like Chicago and New York. People don’t usually die from getting murdered they would just be really hurt or in “critical condition.” This needs to stop but the way it’s looking just makes it seem like it will get worse.

Bye Bianca(: I hope you enjoy Springfield! I know that you will do great wherever you decide to go! Just keep striving for the best and that’s exactly what you will get!

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