Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Last Blog

In the end I’m glad that I attended the Bridge Program. At first I really didn’t want to waste my last month of summer in this program, but I’m glad I did. If I wouldn’t have went to Bridge I would have had a hard time getting adjusted to college. Going straight from summer were I do nothing all day and then going back to a school that is completely new to me would of threw me off completely. It also helped me to get to know the city better and how to get around. I never went to the city before bridge so I would have been screwed trying to find my way around. I do have some friends attending this school, but getting to know all of these people in my class is going to make this experience a lot less foreign. It also made me a lot more confident about my writing. Before all this I thought I completely sucked at writing but I guess not. My math class didn’t really help too much though. We just reviewed a bunch of stuff I already learned in high school. It still helped to refresh my memory which is good because I can start college and not be completely lost. It’s nice I got to know all of you. It will be reassuring to see a lot of familiar faces when we start school. Our passion is what helped motivate all of us to make it all the way. We all had one thing on our mind the whole time we were here. Passing this program just furthermore proved that we were all meant to be some type of artist. I can say bye to the Bridge Program but I’ll probably see all of you around school so there’s no point of saying goodbye to all of you. I’ll say bye to Danielle and Perrin because I might not see you two, I don’t know. Thanks for everything. You guys made a pretty big impact on my life.


  1. Good Luck Jacob.. WE MADE IT ! : ) -Eric

  2. Glad the program and the students had an impact on you Jacob-Good Luck-Nikkea
