Thursday, August 11, 2011

Response to Julia

In my book the biggest fear that the Lost Boys seem to always have is of standing up. They have a hard time to understand what bravery is or how to show bravery. They get scared of the animals that wander through their land. The other fear are the fears of the invaders. They are scared of their guns or even the fact of looking into the face of one of them. They even fear each other at times. They're scared of what the other person might do. Of course deeper into the stroy they seem to get braver and braver. If someone threatens them with death or beatings, they just go ahead and tell them "go ahead I don't care if you do." Each boy is standing up for what they think is right. They are no longer scared to say no to those around them. They are all determinded to find their families and they all have made the decision that fear will no longer get in the way of that. And even if they are scared they still stand up and do what they need to do in order to get somewhere.]

It might sound strange but I don't have a fear anymore. I've been through so much and lived through life being scared that I just got to a point in my life that I wasn't going to stay scared anymore. I believe that fear is just an obstacle in life that a person needs to work through in order to not be scared of it anymore. Also if you face the fear or go through something that seems scary you can't be scared anymore cause you did it or went through it. I might have small fears like haunted houses or stuff like that, but of course that doesn't stop me from going into them. And every time I do after I get out of it I am no longer scared. I think the ideas of things make people more scared then the reality of it. Once you made a decision about that idea and do it you realize "Wow that wasn't so bad after all"

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