Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 10 response Vince.

I can compare to Mark in many ways. One of them is the maturity he goes through as he grows older. Mark starts off as a kid, naïve and one track minded. I felt like him and his passion for becoming a zen monk were awesome because I could totally relate to how he was trying to accomplish on becoming a monk. Things he did in the book like cutting off the sole of his shoe and pretty much putting his body through huge amounts of pain. Reminded me of what I did when I was trying to get better as a dancer.
Mark only changed because of time and how he grew. I feel different about myself. I think I remain the same unless I gain more knowledge. For dance I was foolish and naïve as well, but as I go to learn more about the culture and what the dance is really about I started to improve in a different way which was not physical. My whole mentality on breaking changed for the better. I think the most recent thing that has changed me as a person is obviously the bridge program. Before I came here, I don’t think I was neither independent nor organized. I remember not being able to prioritize my shit together and would always lose track of things. Since the first day of the bridge program, I realized I needed to change myself or else I was not going to be able to stay long here.
That talk that Danielle all gave us (I know you guys know what I’m talking about!) on the first day of the bridge program, scared me shitless. Because of that talk, I’m always on time for class. I finish my work as soon as I can. I pack my backpack the night before so I can just leave and get to class early! Back in high school, I would have been doing the exact opposite. I’m so glad I came all the way to Chicago and was able to take the bridge program because it changed me into a better and more responsible person and also I feel like this program gave me a head start on all the freshmen that are coming to Columbia.

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