Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nicole letter to self.

Dear Nicole,
Only two more days away from completing the bridge program and being admitted into Columbia College. The school of your dreams, the school that you know that can take you far. If you passed this program you can achieve anything. During this month of the bridge program, you already have done so much. Taking photo shoots, doing music video shoots, and taking every opportunity you can get to shine in the city of Chicago. Not only have you taken opportunities but you have kept up with your school work and made your mom proud. You are quickly adapting into the Chicago life style and even though your life is changing quickly remember what you are here for- dance. Have faith in yourself and faith in God that you will have a bright future. Stay focused and you can make a difference.
I want to accomplish being the best. I know that sounds brad but I want to be the best in whatever I do. I have goals that I want to reach and those goals that I set for myself I want to be the best at. In my lifetime I want to become a well-known dancer around the city of Chicago with my own dance studio, travel around the US to teach dances, learn to play piano and learn to read music, learn how to act and maybe feature in a dance film, and eventually I want to start a charity for the children in Africa. But this year I want to accomplish a lot of great things as well. Like learn how to dance different styles other than modern and hip hop, learn how to play piano, start getting into healthy eating habits, become more confident as a person and let go of my fears, most importantly make a very good amount of money so I can put my family up in hills.
Columbia is a great school so I have to keep in mind that I have to be on my toes at all times, no distractions. I don’t want to be in any type of relationship or start dating for a year or so because boys are just distractions. I know I need to keep myself out of trouble as far as partying; I need to keep that to a minimum because it could jeopardize my learning or me trying to reach my goals. I know I can’t take EVERY SINGLE opportunity because it might be too much for me to handle. I have to make sure I recognize what I can take on so I don’t get stressed. Keeping my priorities straight is a MUST.
“One has to live in the present. Whatever is past is gone beyond recall; whatever is future remains beyond one’s reach, until it becomes present. Remembering the past and giving thought to the future are important, but only to the extent that they help one deal with the present.” – S.N. Goenka

1 comment:

  1. I've wanted to learn to play piano ever since i was 4 hah, never happened =/ -Jacob
