Monday, August 15, 2011

Change is a hell of a thing.

Well, to start with over the past few weeks I found a place I feel like I actually fit in at. It's strange, but true, I don't feel people judging me on how I look, constantly saying how I should change this or change that they just care about as much as I do...which is not a lot. I changed in this environment because we're all passionate about what we do, which just amplifies my own passion by seeing other people around me be just as passionate. I see the same thing in the book I currently finished, Lost in Place. When Mark goes to Yale, he finds people who are just like him really, nerds as he describes it. He found people who are just as Into their work like he is. Mark found a place to fit in at, where he could be himself and no one would give a shit.
To put it in simpler terms, Mark and I both found a place we fit in at. Always being the odd ball in school, or even the loner (the loner being me), we found a place where we have developed good working habits, found a course for our future, and are ready to face it with open arms.

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