Thursday, August 11, 2011

Response Day 8

Response to Julia- In my book, They Poured Fire, all three of the lost boys have a constant fear of never seeing their family as a whole again. All of them are constantly told by elders to stop thinking about their families because it just makes it harder for them to carry on. For the most part they all do very well on trying to keep them off their minds, but every now and then the thought of them always reoccurs. A part in the book that shows a time when Alepho started thinking about his family again is on page 133. Joseph tells Alepho that they should try and escape and go to Torit, where Alepho’s oldest brother Yier is at. Alepho says, “My heart soared at the possibility of seeing my oldest brother.” In this case, this will probably help motivate Alepho to make his way to Torit because he has his brother to look forward to now.

One of my biggest fears is heights. It’s weird because I love rollercoasters and I am living in a decently high building in Chicago right now. I guess the way I deal with my fear is by confronting it. The build-up of a rollercoaster is always the worst part for me, but once I get passed that I have no problem at all. I think the only reason I don’t freak out from them is because I know I’m safe in a roller coaster, if I was standing on top of a building with nothing protecting me from falling, I would probably freak out.

Response to Me- In my book They Poured Fire, Alepho seems like he is always losing people important to him. He gets separated from his brothers, he loses his best friend Achol to the war, and he is forced to leave his new friend Peter behind when he decides to run away from to a different town with Joseph. You can tell he really didn’t want to leave peter because on page 133 he talks about how he doesn’t feel right leaving him behind. I know it’s a little bogus but it seems like Alepho keeps getting screwed over and I feel its karma because he was such a dick back when he lived in his home.

I remember back when I was going to catholic school in kindergarten and 1st grade me and this girl were best friends ever since we started going to school. Our families would always hang out and my older brother hung out with her brother. Me and her pretty much had some young love thing going on and she lived not too far from me so we could hang out all the time. Eventually my parents took me and my brother out of the school after I got out of 1st grade and we didn’t talk as much. Then she eventually moved and we completely stopped talking. I recently got a hold of her and it sucks because I feel like I can’t even talk to her because were completely different people now.

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