Thursday, August 11, 2011

Response to Jacob

In "They Poured Fire on Us," all of the Lost Boys have lost something very dear to them. Each of them lost a place to call their home. They were all forced to leave their homes and be seperated from their families in order to live. Everything they once knew as safe was destroyed and became nothing safe. The war was tearing everything apart, destroying families and homes. No one could call anything a home anymore. They spent most of their times traveling in order to find a place to call home. No matter how hard they tried they seem to not find it in anything. They lost not only what is home to them, but they lost each other. Everywhere they turned they were losing friends, brothers and sisters, even parents. It gave them no faith that anything would ever be the same again.

When I was younger like in the 2nd grade I met this friend of mine named Chelsey. Her mom and my mom were best friends so it turned out we became best friends too. I even got to go to her school for a whole year. We did everything together, but then one day everything changed. My mom and her mom got into a major fight that there was no way they would ever be friends again. Sadly this made me and Chelsey lose our friendship as well. I never saw her again. I never understood why I had to lose my best friend only because our parents didn't get along. Like just becuase they didn't get along doesn't mean that her and I couldn't still get along. I spent a long time missing her and not really wanting to make any friends, but as I got older I soon realized I still had other friends and that I just had to move on. I still rememeber her and those memeories will never go away.

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