Monday, August 15, 2011

Response to Bianca

It's funny cause I am reading the same book and so yea the same things are going on. The government is tearing town by town down with fire. They don't care if your a child or an adult, they have no mercy for life or even hold life to have a value. It's either their way or no way. The sad part is that the boys don't know what to do or how to handle the situation. They are all lost in this caos that they cannot explain. The thing they want most is to return to their homes and its so impossible when there is nothing there to go home to. Everything they all once knew is no longer the way it was. Not their homes nor their families. Everywhere they turn there are people dying and they see death themselves. Its not like a story that is being told to them, they are living the story in a way that no child let alone a person should. No one should have to suffer so much and lose so much. Living without the hope of gaining anything back. I must say though as confused as all this seems to the boys they handle it well by trying to survive and not letting death take them themselves. They constantly are looking for a way to survive. They don't give up hope when it feels like there is no hope. Especially with how young they are, who could expect children all under the age of ten to handle such a tragic and terrible situation so well and maturely.

I've never had something that has happened to me, but there was a story that was true that affected me like I never thought something could. My mom works with the City of Harvey and the Police Station and she is the spokes person for the city. She has to always report the news if something went wrong within the city. Well one day she asked me if I wanted to go with her to the house where a murder was taken place where she would be reporting what had happened. At first nothing seemed different to me, there was always a homicide in the city so I was use to it. Plus I always went with my mom to her report sites. But the thing that made this different was when I got there. At this house there were pictures and candles lit. It looked like someone was missed terribly. It was raining and even though I didn't know what happened it made me cry as if I knew. Later my mom told me what had happened:

There was this man that lived in that house that had killed his own mother. After that he killed his wife. The thing that hit me harder was the fact that he killed his 11 month old baby boy. Then after that he stuffed his mother in the closet and then sat down in the living room where his dead wife and baby laid and ate breakfast...

How could a person do this to his own family. The family that he swore that he loved. How could you take away the life of such an innocent person who has such a life to live. That poor baby boy didn't get to live life. He will never be able to walk his first steps or speak his first words. He won't learn new things nor will he learn how to love or be loved. He will never be able to fail and then get back up and try again. Even though I don't know that little baby I can say I miss him. I miss the life that he could have had.

As young as I was when I learned that tragic story it never left me. I will always remember and pray for that family that had to die by the hands of the person that was suppose to love them...

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