Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Fear of Ones Mind

In Lost in Place, Mark Salzman doesn't really say what his fear is. I would have to gather at, well not having his fathers approval. Throughout the book it is obvious that Mark is close to his father and only wants him to accept him. Although his father already accepts him because Mark is his son and he loves him more than anything in the world, and it is obvious that he does, but Mark wants more than just that. Mark wants to prove that he is worthy of being his son, worthy of surpassing him, and most of all just worthy in his fathers eyes. He has constant philosophical chats with Mark about life and all that, his father knows how to walk in Marks shoes, but what Mark wants most is to walk in his fathers shoes for even a day. So, through saying that, I would say Mark is most afraid of his father disapproving of what he does.

My own fear? Well it may sound overused but it is death. I fear death because there is so much to do in life, so much I want to accomplish and see accomplished. Immortality is something I wish for, even if everyone I know and love will all die, I will remain to see what the world becomes after their deaths, to see what they did made an impact. How I deal with death though? Well that's the hard part, because I can't deal with this fear without experiencing it first hand. If I have experienced something I won't fear it, I would say I am more afraid of the unknown more than anything else, but death is the Complete unknown. What will happen? Do I cease to exist? Is their an after life? These questions cannot be answered without first experiencing deaths cold embrace, so I would say, I cannot deal with my fear, however I will live as much as I can until the day comes it's taken away from me.

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