Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bianca Armstrong Day 8

Well I have the same book . Later in the story Benson appeared to have something wrong with his foot. I got very swollen, It was also infected to.  Benson couldn’t even walk anymore. Alpheo had to help him up and convince him to keep walking along the desert. Benson was really exhausted and he was suffering from hunger . he couldn’t take the pain from his foot any longer. He had to wash his foot off in water. To get all the bleed and nasty stuff off his foot. And sometimes when he would go to sleep bugs would crawl in the cracks of his foot. Which was gross. The doctors said they had to fix his foot he maybe would have to loss his foot if it got worse.
When me and my family was getting ready to move out of Chicago, my grandma had passed away. I was really close to my grandma. We use to go to the store together. She also use to take me to the park. We had a lot of fun together. Sometimes i wanted to watch tv and she would tell me to wait till the Price Is Right is over. I hated when she said that! But I would patiently wait till it’s over. And we would watch cartoons together. I loved her alot

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