Monday, August 15, 2011

Sam- Response to my own question----

In high school, I floated by. I didn't try my hardest and I was a 'c' student for the most part. School didn't really interest me. I was too busy playing music, watching books or just slacking off with my friends at the local coffee shop. Since I have arrived in Chicago, I have started to try very hard to succeed and work to potential. I beleive I have been successful in proving my abilities in being a good student. I have actually enjoyed class and expressing my ideas and opinions through text. My only fear is that I don't go back to my old ways when the school year starts. I feel good about myself and I really do not want to be considered a slacker anymore. I don't feel that I can relate to Sarah Vowell in this way, because she has never been a slacker. Even in the peak of Generation X, she maintained her goals and her passion. That is very impressive. Great job, Sarah!!!!

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