Thursday, August 11, 2011

Response to Jacob

In my Book Take the Canoli. Something that is important to Sarah and Amy were also at Elias Boudinot House, Where the New Echota Treat was signed. She was told how almost seven thousand troops would just come and remove the cheorkees from there farms and their homes and then rounded them up and moved them to Tennessee and northestern Alabama to three immigration sites then finally moved to the trail of tears.

Sarah is the Aquarium Trail Of tears. Sarah is interested in the Cherokees and how they came through the site. In the summer of 1838 they had been forced and were faced with Heat Exhaustion. They Couldn’t drink because they were in a drought and were stranded,. They traveled west with no shoes for their feet sand event hrought the blizzards. They were faced with starvation, dysentery, diarrhea and fatigue. That was Important to sarah because thoses were her ancestors back in then and she wanted to see how they lived , just like anybody else would want to know how their ancestors were. She felt bad standing there on the trail of tears. She read a quote saying “ The white men have almost surrounded us, leaving us only a little plot of stand upon. And it seems to be their important to destroy us a nation.” She was hurting while reading that because of how the white man would kill the women and children how it was cold hearted.

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