Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Letter to Jacob

Dear Me,

Four weeks ago I remember I didn’t really care for school, and I completely underestimated the program. I came the first day thinking it would be like summer school. I didn’t bring a backpack and wasn’t prepared because I thought I wouldn’t be getting any homework. It only took me one day to realize that I can’t half ass my way through this like I did in high school. It’s nice because I know I’m going to actually enjoy school for once, and I will actually try this time.

I hope in this first year of college I can meet people who are as passionate about their music as I am. There were always good musicians in my hometown, but I felt like none of them took it as seriously as I do. One of the things that always scared me about school is the workload. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to handle this time around though; I don’t want to worry about it too much. I’m just excited to start a new part of my life, I won’t let it get to my head, I’m not going to leave any of my friends or family behind.

The things I have been looking forward to the most would have to be working with other people. I want to meet new musicians to work with and producers. One thing I have had in mind for a while was that I want to buy an acoustic guitar and sand all of the finish off of it. Then I want to find a painter or drawer that has some crazy style that I would like and have them use the whole guitar as their canvas. Another goal is to take the knowledge I’ll learn from music classes to help refine my playing even more. I also want to get one of my friends out here eventually and record something with him. We’ve been trying to record some things together for a while and now is the chance. I think another goal might be to do some panhandling, but I’m not too sure about that one.

I’m not going to let anything get in the way of letting me succeed this year. I don’t really see anything that will interfere with what I want this year. This is my number one focus in life right now, and I’ll keep it that way.

Good Luck Brew! Hope you it all works out.


  1. If you keep the type of attitude now you with breeze through your classes this fall! Keep it up!


  2. I think its really cool that you have realized what you need to do to become the best! ! Even as a student i have seen alot of improvement in your writing skills.Good luck with everything
