Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Response to Kevin

In my book, the story of the Lost Boys, each boy goes on the same adventure. Each of them are trying to make it back to their families, or more so each other. All three boys are related and all they want is to find each other along with other relatives. This becomes an adventure because they are in the middle of a war that is tearing home after home apart. The boys constantly have to travel at night in order to not have to experience the dangers the days hold. Also they have to travel basically through the wild that was once called home from them. They travel months even years in order to make it to one town. Sadly once they make it to one town they soon have to travel again with little rest because danger finds them again. Their adventures are constant but all hold one goal. That goal is to be safe and be able to call a place a home. Their adventure is more of a journey to freedom only because it wasn't an adventure that brings them joy let alone a adventure that they chose to take. It was of course forced upon them just like the war was. They all hope that one day all the fighting and killing will stop and be the peaceful home they once knew.

As for me I've never taken an adventure until recently. For my graduation present my godmother took me to Hawaii where I have never been. Each day was an adventure because we never knew where we were going. We didn't know where anything was or even how to get to something once we found an advertisment for food. We traveled through the jungle as I would call it in order to find a hidden waterfall. It was an adventure starting at the airport because our flights were constantly being held back so we had to wait for the next one. But no matter how fustraiting things seemed to get we still all had fun because we looked at everything as adventure that we were all taking together. No one had the upper hand which was even more funny. Half the time we would find ourselves laughing because everyone was just as confused as the one next to them.

I've realized that you can find an adventure in anything you do. Everywhere you walk is an adventure cause your not really sure where each step will take you or what you'll find when you get to your destination. I'm finding that Bridge and Columbia is a new adventure that I live everyday and I'm excited where it will take me.

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