Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Adventure Time!

In my book Lost in Place, by Mark Salzman, Mark takes quite a few adventures, but by far his most entertaining adventure is one of "enlightenment" really known as getting high 24/7. The first time he gets high, he has these hallucinations and believes he is One with nature. He has this feeling of "Whoa", which can also be called the "Whoaness" factor. Whenever he would get out of this state, it would be the state of "Bummer". In any case, Mark explored the world of getting high, and found out how many stupid decisions came with getting high, such as trying to grow pot in his house With his fathers plants. Needless to say his adventure ended the moment his brother Erich noticed what they really were, and he finally realized how his adventure into the land of Whoa was stupid and fruitless. Well, I have gotten high before, but it just wasn't fun. I just didn't care for that whole night about anything, but the worst thing of all was the after effects. Contrary to popular belief, weed intensifies the feeling of anxiety, so I never bothered with it again, not only because I thought it was stupid, but because it was also doing damage to my mind.
My newest adventure so far is the Bridge Program, and with all of you of course (who are left). It's been fun so far, I've been challenged to destroy my old ways of doing things and forge a new working habit. Thanks to this program I am better off, and am more likely to use my full potential as an A student rather than a D student like I was in High School. I do understand that anything lower than a 70% is failing in college though, but I plan to get either a high 3.something or a 4.o.

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