Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Letter to Kevin

I think that I changed the way that I get my work done over the past few weeks. Before this program I felt that I could do everything extremely last minute but that was not that case at all! I figured out that I had to get on my shit and buckle down if I truly wanted to be admitted to Columbia this fall. Instead of going home right after school, I would go in the computer lab so that it could be quiet so that I could work on my paper with no distractions from anyone else and I had help from the staff if they were in there at that time. I used to think that getting help from others was dumb but I slowly figured out if you don’t ask, you won’t know so I had a lot of questions being asked during the weeks I’ve been here.

This fall all I want is to be successful. To me that means finish my first year with at least a 3.0 or better. I know I want to participate in all of the theater things that are going on so I’ll have to get extremely involved with that. All in all I just want to be proud of myself and have my family be proud of me for accomplishing something some of them haven’t yet.

My fears for next year would have to be midterms I think. I’m not very good at taking test so I already got a plan in mind to help me get better with studying and all that. I’m going to go to the Learning Center and get someone to tutor me on how to study for test and hopefully that works out for me. I’m actually extremely excited for the spring musical! It’s RENT!! I’m going to tryout but I’m not even looking to getting a lead role my goal is just be to in the production and get to experience everything that I did when we did it at my school because it was one of the best feelings I have ever felt in my life!

I am not letting anything hold me back while I’m at school. If it’s not going to get me further in life and education then I am not going to deal with it. It will be something that I just put on the side burner.


  1. I hope you become successful in what you want to do. Dont be scared of taking Midterms, Just study and you'll be fine. I sure your going get into the Musical rent. -Eric

  2. I really loved your last sentences and I agree totally. I feel the exact same way as you. Good luck and I wish you the best Kevin


  3. Kevin your awesome. Even your singing gives me chills. Keep that mentality that you have now and dont let anyone stop you! Keep staying focused. :)

  4. Good luck man, and those midterms I am going to kind of fear myself, even though test taking is my strongest aspect in academics. Good luck dude, and see you around Columbia.
