Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I would have to say, although we face economical problems in this country, and the fact that we are still are war with drugs and trying to stop gang violence, this has nothing on what is truly happening in the world. I've learned how unwilling we are to stop genocide when it is right in front of us. Where it takes people so much convincing, to the point where Naomi will be pouring one million hand made bones on our nations capital. I read about the current situations in many countries, but I was more interested in personal survivor stories. What I read was about the women side of the story. They mentioned how men, even small 4 year old boys, are Kill On Sight. I didn't realize that small children were killed on sight by the government, or the insurgence wanting to take over the current form of government, and replace it with their own ideals. I also read a story about a mother who went across the desert, only to have her 4 year old son die and be buried in the desert, and her daughter die of an illness when they got into the refugee camp. These events show the true barbaric side of human nature, where in war we only see target instead of civilians. In a military conflict, I detest the intentional targeting of civilians, unfortunately in war civilians will end up getting in the cross fire, however to intentionally target them? We have a stronger military presence and are able to go in, with the UN's help even, and place these refugee camps under UN protection, like we did in Rwanda, but all too late as it would have already seem. This is not a countries problem, this is the worlds problem. The moment we said "Never again", from the Holocaust, we need to truly give our word on and protect these civilians.

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