Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Repsonse Day 11

Response Day 11- After some of the info on the one million bones website, I realized how serious this issue really is. I didn’t know there was genocide going on in all these countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Burma and much more. On the website it talks about how millions of people have been displaced from their home countries into surrounding countries. All of that can cause even more problems like over population. It even talks about how in one of the countries there are places called “black zones” were soldiers are allowed to shoot at anyone they see. I found this incredibly disturbing that they just have zones labeled where you can kill anything or anyone. I think it’s so easy for any normal citizen of the U.S. to ignore conflicts like this because it doesn’t affect them in anyway. Also genocides like this don’t have much publicity whatsoever so a lot of people simply don’t even know that all of this is going on. I am somewhat confused on when a conflict actually starts to be considered genocide. Some of the stories on the website seem like most civilians killed are killed on complete accident. I used to think genocide was strictly just a government killing citizens of their country for weak reasons. I think it’s that this project was started and so many people are participating in it. Pouring one million bones in the countries capital is probably one of the best ways to get publicity for all of the genocide that is happening around the world that a lot of people don’t even stop to think about. I am glad that I get to contribute to this knowing that I had a part in it. I am playing a little role in helping, but I’m sure a lot of people will appreciate

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