Monday, August 22, 2011

Nicoles Letter to Mark Salzman

Dear Mark Salzman,
I’d like to start off by introducing myself as a young adult who doesn’t read books. I know that isn’t a very great way of introducing myself to an author but it’s the truth. Since I don’t read books I knew that it was going to be a hard adjustment in college. Once I got here to Columbia College in Chicago, they assigned the class a book. Thankfully it was a good book by a great author. It was the book written by you-“Lost In Place”. Like I said before I don’t read, but I knew I had to read this book so I can pass my class. A month passes and I have read my first book and loved it!
This story has taught me to embrace change. Growing up I see you went through many changes and you took on any opportunity you could to be the best at your hobbies. I like that you added a sense of humor in your stories, but you also showed a strong side to yourself. For example when you watched your friend Michael gets suffocated by Sensi. That would be too much for me to watch, I don’t blame you for leaving kung fu after that. Not only has your story taught me a valuable lesson but it has made me hungry to read more books. In fact, my teacher has loaned me your other book “True Notebooks”. This will be my first book I will be reading that wasn’t assigned and I’m so excited to get started.
I want to thank you so much for sharing your stories with people. Since your stories are real it is easy for people like me to relate to some of your experiences. That’s why I think I was so intrigued by your book. At the end of your book you tell your dad “Not everything works out the way you want it too.” But this book was exactly what I wanted it to be and more.

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