Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day#8 response(Julia)-Nikkea

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In Take the Cannoli, Sarah fears driving. Her first experience behind the wheel, her sister Amy tries to teach her. Before Sarah even gets around to turning the key in the ignition she couldnt stop giggling which was a sigh of being nervous for her. After that she blocked the possibility of driving out of her mind. She vowed never to drive. Then at the age of twenty-eight she decided to learn only because the person that agreed to teach her was her boss, Ira Glass.
Sarah reasoned it as if her editor was teahcing her, she wont really be learning how to drive, shell be working on a story. Eventually after a few test drives she becomes bored instead of nervous and start giggling. she has her first run off the road experience and gets scraed. eventually she reasons with going to the drive though which as a a kid somehting her family never did. So this was a treat to her learning to drive and actually learn to drive.

Honestly I can say I only fear myself. I fear myself for not pushing further than my greatest ability. Not being able to fulfill my dreams and help others is my biggest burden. Other than that I dont fear anything. I fear not dreaming big enough. I dont want to settle for anything so I dream and strive for bigger and better. I strive for the possible that was impossible to others.

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