Wednesday, August 24, 2011

GoodBye Bridge && Hello COLUMBIA!!!!!

The bridge prgram was very challenging. It taught me about learning is very important and getting throught college is verry important.. Over the past for weeks it has been diffucult. Youo had to come out your shell , have a voice and also learn how to do the work. English was a challenge with the papers we had to right, and how they had to be college ready. Math was for me difficult becuause of all the numbers, im just not that good in it. The best parts of bridge was when we went out to Musuems and learnede about art, and had the chance to start friendships with certain people. Everybody has gotten the chance to learn about others background and learning baout art was interseting because you got to see what the purpose of that pieace was. Another great part of bridge was it taught me how to be more On my own, and learn fundamentals that i have learned but didnt fully learn it? LOL. There wasnt really nothing about bridge that was bad. Everything we did was enjoyable, and a learing experience.
For next years Bridge student. My advise to you is to be on time, and make sure you stay on your work, because this program does not play when it comes to your work, Expescally your english papers. You will be dissmissed in a matter of MINUTES! ANother ppieace of advise i would give is to get out your shell. You have to talk if your not a talkative person, kids that dont distrubute what they have to say and just a quiet loner, they look at you and dissmiss you. You just really have to be on your stuff and take the experience seriously, its not summer school its a JOB INTERVIEW !
To everybody in Danielle and Perrins Bridge Class Including Danille and Perrin, I would say Good-Bye but i will say have a nice two weeks off, have fun, i enjoyed spending the 4 weeks with all of you, and see you Sept 6. : )


  1. Nice getting the chance to interact with you...Good Luck as a COlumbia Student....Nikkea

  2. good luck and see you around

  3. Hope you enjoy your time here (:

    - Kevin
