Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nicoles Day 8 responce.

Responce to Jacob:

For some, letting go of your past is not an easy thing to do. As life goes and you mature, you naturally begin to accept the changes that occur in your life. For some it’s hard to let of the past and they try to hold on. In my opinion, this will lead to disaster. I feel it is right to follow your heart. In my life many friends have come into my life and left. In Lost In Place Mark learns to let go of something he was so passionate about. He also lets go of a dear friend of his,
In high school I have always kept to myself. I only associated with a few people because I have always had the mindset that if I had a lot of friends then it would cause drama. If you know me, you would know that I absolutely HATE drama. I went through my four years of high school having only five best friends. As the years passed and it came time for me to graduate, I had only three close friends; Adrianna, Tiffani, and Gina. I consider these three girls as my sisters because we have been through it all. They say during and after you graduate high school you will see who your true friends are. Even though we have all went our separate ways for college, I know I will never loose contact with these girls.
Marks situation is somewhat different. Unlike me, Mark was always looking for friends in high school. Mark begins to grow a strong relationship with Michael; who has the same goals as him. After many practices and as Mark grows up, he realizes that he wants to give up his kung fu passion to become a cello player Mark says on page 147 “I wanted to live my own life, I wanted to play jazz all day, I wanted to cut my own swath through life, blaze my own trail.”. Michael isn’t pleased with Marks decision and decides to not be Marks friend anymore.
In my eyes, the key to become a stronger and better person, letting go of your past is necessary 95% of the time.

Responce to Julia:

“The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” Many people are afraid to fail, it is a matter of hanging in there and fighting for what you believe in is what makes you a strong person. As you know, different people have different fears. Mark (from the book Lost In Place) and I have the same fear- failure.
Even though I know that everyone makes mistakes, I’d like to think of myself as a perfectionist. I live to set a good example for my little sister and impress my mom. If I fail to do that I feel that it will impact me dramatically. I love to hear the words “Nicole I am so proud of you” come out of my mom’s mouth. My biggest fear is to fail to make my mother proud and to fail to set a good example for my sister.
Mark has the same way of thinking, he likes to impress his father, girlfriend, girlfriends’ father, and he wants to set a good example for his younger brother and sister as well. He fears to fail to make people admire him. I can definatly relate to him but like I said before, it is a matter of hanging in there and fighting for what you belive in is what makes you a strong person.

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