Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day#10 response-Nikkea

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In Take the Cannoli, Sarah has matured from her adolescence. As she becomes of age she understands why the things were the way they were when she was younger. For example, when she was younger her family didnt really do drive-thru restaurants, Sarah thinks they made her father Pat nervous, partly because he's always been a little deaf. Pat only approves of fast food when it's served on the fancy trays. So Sarah and her sister Amy, thinks of drive-thrus as an object of desire, full of thrills denied to them so cruelly for so long. She understands her fathers abscences from her interests where of love because they were complete opposites but had similarities such as the hard of hearing. They shared the love art, just in different forms. Sarah from music, Pat from the noise he makes in his garage. Sarah realizes their both idiosyncratic people.
As Sarah became an adult she understood that the little things had a reasons behind them, why they happened that way, and what she received from them.
A certain event that helped me become the person I am today would just be the desire to become mature and comsume the responsibilities of an adult. I idolize the maturity and responsibilities adults have. Yeah it might become the typical boring routine day after day, but I dont see it that way. I see it as working in a field I love so I dont consider it work but working in my hobby. Also, Im not the typical everyday person. I like to venture out, so I wouldnt fall into that category. I love being responsible but most of all becoming an adult.

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