Monday, August 15, 2011

Response sam day 9

I came into the bridge program thinking it was going to be easy and that it wasn’t going to take a lot of work. Boy oh boy, was I wrong. It only took a week for me to change the kind of person I was. I used to be disorganized and unprepared. I’m not talking about just school things; I’m also talking about things in life as well. When the second week started, I had gotten all my shit together and was on point. I kept myself organized making sure that I didn’t misplace any of my papers and kept myself up to date. I learned how to prioritize the things in my life and became so independent. The bridge program forced me to grow up.
I can really relate myself to Mark from the book lost in place. From the beginning of the book Mark was immature and couldn’t make any decisions of his own. Everyone else around him was growing up and becoming mature while he was still the kid who was stuck in his imaginary world. I felt the same way because when everyone was applying to colleges I was always in my own world dancing and going to events so I can get better. Everyone else around me was growing up and focusing on their future and what they were going to study for the rest of their lives. Of course, as the book goes on. You notice that Mark is not the same person as he was in the beginning of the book. He grows up, drops kung-fu, makes decisions of his own, and finally gets a girlfriend!

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