Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 8, Jacob Response

I have always had good luck when it came to gaining friends. I rarely lose friends. I've never moved before, so leaving my hometown for Chicago was a difficult time for my friends and I. I grew up in a beautiful neighborhood and most of my friends lived within blocks of me. We were always at each others homes, hanging out all day and getting into all kinds of trouble. In my book, "Take the Cannoli", Sarah Vowell grew up in Bozeman Montana, a small college town. She was never very close to anyone besides her twin sister, Amy, until she got to high school. When she arrived in High School, she made friends fast by joining the Anti-Nuclear club. She was happy to find kids who led different lives than what she was used to from home. They read novels by the beat poets, drank coffee and discussed philosophy. Since moving to Chicago, I have made many new friends but I have also kept in contact with my closest friends from home. We talk almost every day, so I don't consider my recent sabatical to Chicago a loss of friends, but instead a new chapter in our friendships.

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