Wednesday, August 24, 2011

goodbye bridge-sam setzer

The Summer Bridge Program has been a weird experience for me. I've learned about myself as well as others, I've worked harder than I worked in all of my four years of high school, doing papers every night and waking up early and on time every morning. With that said, I'm not saying I didn't have fun. I had a great time discussing the works of Sarah Vowell. I'm very grateful that I discovered her writing, and I plan on reading more of her works in the years to come.
The only advice that I have for next year's class is to not slack off. Try to get a good night’s sleep every night, wake up on time, and volunteer in class every chance you get. Also, don't be a trouble maker, because trouble is bad! Just kidding, you should definitely cause mischief... Just don't get caught.
I'll miss this class and I really hope to keep in touch with all of you. It's been fun discussing "Take the Cannoli" with my reading group, and I really enjoyed hearing all of the different opinions of everyone. I genuinely hope to see all of you around campus as we enter into the next four years of our life. It's going to be a wild ride. Hopefully.

Live long and prosper

-Sam Setzer


  1. I agree with everything you said and I enjoyed being in your reading group!

    - Kevin

  2. feel the same way. high school is nothing like the Bridge. Good luck sam julia

  3. Glad you found a part of yourself from attending the program...Good Luck at Columbia-Nikkea

  4. Right back at 'cha Sam, it's been one hell of a ride!

  5. See you around sam ! WE MADE IT ! : ) -Eric COngrats.

  6. See you around man! Rough morning for us, but we did it!
