Monday, August 15, 2011

Day#9 response(Bianca)-Nikkea

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In Take the Cannoli, Sarah is studying abroad in Sicily. Sarah and roommate Esther where watching television. The Rody King beating is on and her roommate asks Sarah why would she want to return to America where there is a war going on between neighbors? Sarah replies "She doesnt live in America but Montana  and there is more to America, at least Montana that is. That it wasnt just a huge mess, but of the Big Sky Country" But deep down looking at the riots on tv was digging a hole inside her and could she try and understand. Sarah had fallen to pieces.
My tradegy would be losiong my dog. Within recent years my first dog ever Crystal, had died. And afterwards I had been asking for another dog. So finally my father had surprised me with a puppy who I named CoCo...I was soo excited. finally I had another dog! But upon moving to a new location we couldnt have pets. So I had to give up CoCo that I had grown attached to. I was DEVASTATED, HURT, DISAPPOINTED all in one! This was a TRADEGY!
So I occasionally think of times I had with my COCO...and instead of being mad I think of the times I enjoyed his company.

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