Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dear Vince,

You know Vince, four weeks ago you wouldn't have done a god damn thing, and I am being serious about this one. You have changed a lot, sure this has stressed you out considerably but look at yourself, you're fulfilling the biggest goal so far in your life and are on the way to passing a huge obstacle in your way. You are doing work, getting up at the right times, you are still slacking at household chores but then again who doesn't now and again? Not only are you your mothers hero, but everyone around you who knows about this is too proud even for words. I swear to God Vince, if you fuck this up I will personally come out of a time warp and kick your ass all the way up the Sears Tower and back.
I want everything I can get, I want an environment that I fit in with (not that I don't think I don't already fit in pretty well here). I want to expand and further develop my own style of writing and hopefully finally finish a personal project I am working on and edit it as I go along. I want to learn new things to put into my writing, especially new religious concepts from the course Exploring the Goddess.
I'm afraid of what just happened today will happen again for one of my morning classes, if I survive after being this late however. I know I won't go back into being the old do-nothing me. What I am excited about is, well, everything really. I don't really like meeting new people, but making new friends would be cool. I am more excited in participating in a few things with other Columbia students, and I also want to join the orchestra because they are short brass players, and that's exactly what I am.\
1. Attend class as much as I can.
2. Get the grades I always could have, A's and B's.
3. Get out of my shell and at least become friends with a few people so we can all help each other with our work.
4. Do not cheat on my girlfriend with some college chick, this relationship I cannot ruin.
5. Wake up to the first alarm that goes off at 5:45 and STAY UP, don't rely on the second alarm that goes off right after that one ends at 6:25, unless it's a day I don't need to be into class in the morning.
My Landlord is the incarnation of Satan himself, so if anything, a drastic and sudden move will screw me up. Not only will it screw up what I already have down for my bus schedule, but it will also trigger massive anxiety attacks that will persist for months keeping me from focusing, sleeping, eating and doing my work. Other than that I have no excuse, I will make sure nothing will hold me back, and even if I am forced to move I will conquer that challenge as well. It's literally what my name means, Vincent means The Conqueror.


  1. Vince! We arn't so different! I surprised my family and friends as well when they found out that i was attending college! I wish you the best as well and I'm glad that you are willing to get out of your shell more then usual just so you can meet new people in your life. Trust me, it's always fun being outgoing and meeting new people. I hope to see you around the city amigo! Peace!

  2. i love your goals. Its so funny how you put things. i'm positive your gonna do just fine Vince... Good luck!


  3. Haha! We kind of have the same goals. Vince you are so funny! Your diffrent sence of humor always keeps me laughing. Like you said make sure nothing hold you back, i really think you can be a very successful writer. you have that "creative author vibe". Good luck with everything!
