Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Letter to Myself .. ( Whats up Eric )

Letter to Myself ( Hii Eric ) : )

Eric Hey Buddy ! : )

Look at you .. You made it through the four week program at Columbia College this summer. I’m actually so proud of you because i didn’t even think you would make it. You have grown into a harder appreciative worker. When you first started the Bridge Program you thought it was going to just be like regular school, when you come in a take classes. WRONG.! you actually had to work and have a "Voice" to make it through. You have changed boy. Omg . you have changed. You were more of the Laid back, somewhat quiet person, who just came to school for the work. You learned a lot to get you prepared for college. You learned how to do papers a lot better then before, and knowing all what goes into a paper, you also are FINALLY really math. You math skills are improving. I’m so proud you Jr.

In my first year of college i want to learn what i actually came to this college for. I want to learn everything there is to know about Film, Weather its with Camera, Lights, Producing, And owning your own company so that’s Business. If i can learn that my first year well throughout my years then i will succeed. But for sure for the first year i want to learn about cameras and how to produce films.

I’m afraid of Failing. Failure is one of biggest fears because I’m basing everything of going to school, without school then I’m nothing, nor will i ever be anything. Within the next year I’m most excited about coming to this school meeting a variety of different people and learning about the film industry so one day i can be there & Also becoming a whole NEW Person, because I’m tired of this Eric ( That i currently am, So when you reading this a year from Now i hope you changed Eric ( : ...)

Five major goals for this are .

1). Becoming a New Person.

2.) Getting a Job..

3.) Meeting Chris Brown.

4.) Knowing about my Major.

5.) Meeting New friends, that is, actually interested in what I’m interested and in and have it last a Life time.

What may Prevent me from doing anything this year, is Getting lazy and getting distracted like i did in high school. I honestly a, tired of being bored on most weekends. I want something to do every day all day, not going to bed till 10 or 12 a night , or most days not sleeping for two or three days. I want to be busy. I don’t want to get distracted by anything that’s not relevant with anything I’m doing.

Hope All is well a year from now!

1 comment:

  1. I hope to step outside the box and have fun with college Succeed in your studies E-ric and dont be afraid..For Fearing only Holds you Back...Nikkea!
