Tuesday, August 16, 2011

day 10 response mario

In Lost in Place, Mark and Michael are set to go on a camping trip with their Sensei. They have never been close to their master but they always seemed to look up O’Keefe somehow. They somehow managed to find enough money for the both of them to attend the camping trip. Bill realized how much Mark and Michael looked up to their sensei so he hinted O’Keefe to let them ride with him. On their journey to the camp site they were excited because they assumed that they were going to be able to bond with O’Keefe. Little did they know that he is a huge asshole. He responded their questions by replying “yeah” or “nah” and then when he didn’t want to be asked anymore questions he just blasted the music implying that he didn’t want to talk to them anymore.
At camp, they were supposed to be tented with Bill but he never showed up. They assumed that they were just going to end up sleeping in their sensei’s huge tent but of course he ends up bringing a woman inside and leaves Michael and Mark outside with nowhere to sleep. They had to go through so much and pretty much survive on their own while at the same time they had to train because it was O’Keefe’s training camp. Three days later passes and Bill shows up explaining that he didn’t make it because his car stopped in the middle of the highway and then when the cops showed up they saw his tattoo and sent him to jail. After that, they rode back home tired and exhausted.
Tired and exhausted. Man oh man, I can’t tell you guys how much I went home like Mark and Michael did whenever I came back home from events. When I was reading about them and that camping trip, I felt their pain in some ways. The most recent trip I took was to Minnesota. I was told about the trip last minute because one of my friends couldn’t go because of work. I ended up going with some people I recently became friends with. No one told me that the damn trip was 8 to 9 hours. The whole time I thought that it was only going to be a two to four hour drive. In the car ride I felt horrible, tired, and impatient. I wanted to scream and punch out the windows. We had to drive all the way to MN in a shitty ass car, and when I say shitty…I mean shitty. This car had mold on the floor and the smell of something wet and just fiuadasdjk;fnljkadfn. The windows wouldn’t even open! I was seriously seconds within going nuts. Eventually we made it to MN and we all entered the event. We made it really far and killed it. Overall it was a dope trip!

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