Wednesday, August 17, 2011


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Spending time reading of the tradegy about genocides makes me think and spend time realizing the little things I complain about and take for granted. Such as clean water, whereas people in Darfur are digging deep holes to find water. Another thing would be taking my education for granted, whereas its a struggle to maintain or even stay in school because of the fight and constant danger their faced.
I honestly didnt know that in Burma women are raped and forced through pregnacy. Also that the Burmese junta has taken a hard line against pro-democracy and practically every activist is thrown in jail for standing up for their country and people.
Its devastating to see violence escalate every year in Chad, Burma, Afghanastan, and the other country being controlled by genocides. It definitely hits home to see America taking the simplest things for granted. Yeah its understood their as citizens were even fighting our government for little things as health care and Im pretty sure the victims and families of this tragic event are just praying to escape to a safe place. To continue to live and raise their children.
I think just as a human with emotions and a heart we should take situations like the genocide into thought. Into action, we're all suffering and its obvious these countries are suffering far further than Americans. I think its just an active right to help our neighbores. We could lend a hand and stand up for those that are fighting and crying out for help. We should lend our voice to those killed and those that continue to encounter this massacre.
Upon reading about the genocides, I encountered ignorance to the situation. and as a citizen who stands up for what I believe its only right that I take this tradegy to heart. Learning about this has changed my out look on things. Its makes me want to become active in helping to save a life if not lives and spreading the word. To educate those that are ignorant and taking for granted the simple tasks of cooking a meal for your family without dodging bullets. I believe even the simple things can make a difference and from a far I want to make a difference. With that being said tomorrow my bone will represent lives lost and those to save from this devastation.

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