Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 11: On Going throughout the World

As I was reading throughout the ONE MILLION BONES website the stroy that drew my attention the most is the one about Irap and Afghanistan. They fact that tribes are targeting their own people is horrific. Also the fact that our troops are getting the back end of the attacks as well. And why? becuase our troops are trying to protect the civilians from anymore violence against them. This topic hits me harder because my cousin is a Marine. It terrifies me that he has fought in Iraq and just got back from Afghanistan and in October he will again be deployed to Afghanistan. I don't want him to return to this because of what is going on. I don't want my cousin who i grew up with become one of the ONE MILLION BONES. It also terrifies me that our troops left Iraq yet the violence will just return. Our troops our fighting a battle that seems will never be won.

I want to make a bone that simbolizes all the troops that have died and those that are still fighting for all the tragedies of the world. I want to make a bone that is dedicated to my cousin, to represent that I stand by him and that I wish he stays protected throughout his battles. At the same time I want the bones to represent all the civilians that are constantly killed by their own people. Innocent people with no defenses being attacked by suicide bombers.

In that I want to create a bone for those suicide bombers that have been influenced by such terrible people. Children are being used as a host for the bomb. I want to represent all those lost souls that their lives were taken away from them because they were able to be pursuaded to what looked like being right.

All the bones that will be created should represent those souls and the people that died for the wrong cause. People are dying left and right because of a group that thinks that they are better than everyone else. Everyone needs to be aware that innocent people are dying for no cause at all and at the same time OUR OWN people are dying for the cause of protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

I want to create a bone that represents all those who have survived these tragedies. To represent the strength that they all hold after seeing and even experienceing such horrible things. For those who have lost everything but were allowed to gain LIFE. They lived through the bombings and killings of the world. I want the bone to represent survival that lives through all those people and even in ourself.

Finally I want to create a bone that stands for Unity. How our world and those worlds that we protect stand strong and do not crumble no matter how bad things get. I want people to see that no matter what goes on in the world we are all still allowed to stand together and work together to prevent all these terrible things from happening over and over agian. Even though none of these issues are resolved at least we and others continue to try to make the world safe from those that want to destroy what it stands for. Our world stands for life and freedom. And even when people take those two things away, there are still people who stay strong and live with hope in their hearts. Hopeing that one day they won't live in fear and be at peace once again.

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