Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Vince day 10 response

As I have said in earlier posts, Sarah Vowell and I are very similar. After reading her book, "Take the Cannoli", I have realized more about myself. When reading about someone elses life, you realize things about your relationship with art as well as your personal relationships. We are also very different as well. She is a much more mature artist than I am, and she clearly knows more about herself than I do. In her essays, she writes about many things that chenged her life for better or for worse. Things that made her become who she is. I too have these stories. When I was a sophomore in high school, I was sent away to a boarding school in connecticut. Not my finest hour I must say, but being alone for a winter, all the way across the country from your family will change your outlook on life whether you like it or not. I dicovered more about myself in those six months than I have in my 18 years of life. I am a dilligent worker now, and I always follow my dreams, because let's face it... It can't get much worse than I winter in Connecticut by yourself.

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